"The Burning Sky"
Sherry Thomas
Emma Bannon, forensic sorceress in the service of the Empire, has a mission: to protect Archibald Clare, a failed, unregistered mentath. His skills of deduction are legendary, and her own sorcery is not inconsiderable. It doesn't help much that they barely tolerate each other, or that Bannon's Shield, Mikal, might just be a traitor himself. Or that the conspiracy killing registered mentaths and sorcerers alike will just as likely kill them as seduce them into treachery toward their Queen.
In an alternate London where illogical magic has turned the Industrial Revolution on its head, Bannon and Clare now face hostility, treason, cannon fire, black sorcery, and the problem of reliably finding hansom cabs.
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Kiss for you
Uy, tiene muy buena pinta :)
ResponderEliminarTiene buena pinta espero que si lo tienes ya en tus manos lo disfrutes mucho. Besos
La portada ya enamora <3
ResponderEliminarLa portada esta hermosa <3
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Esa portada es de lo mas llamativa y muy sugerente.